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    Wednesday, July 22, 2020

    Wood carving My friend makes these by assembling wood, I think she is very talented

    Wood carving My friend makes these by assembling wood, I think she is very talented

    My friend makes these by assembling wood, I think she is very talented

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    Mary Rose—making a sailor’s boxwood hair comb

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    Mary Rose—making a sailor's boxwood hair comb

    On the 19 July 1545 at the Battle of the Solent, Henry the Eighth's flagship the Mary Rose sank because it was top heavy while leading the attack on the French invasion fleet. Five hundred sailors perished watched by a horrified King Henry from the shore.

    At the Mary Rose museum in Portsmouth, I was so taken by the sailor's boxwood hair combs that it was straight to the workshop, I just had to make a couple, one a basic Jack Tar example and another that I envisaged Henry commissioning for him self.


    Making these combs using only hand tools is the only way that a craftsman can have an insight into the skill of the Tudor and earlier specialist artisan.

    See the work in progress at https://stuartking.co.uk/mary-rose-comb/

    submitted by /u/jasonking
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    Just curious...

    Posted: 21 Jul 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    I tried to post my video relevant to r/Woodcarving three times now.

    First attempt - it ignored the video in the post.
    Second attempt - it marked my post as spam.
    Third attempt - I was kicked out of the community.

    Indeed, I am more of an IT guy then the woodcarver but I take pride of my work and do not believe that I failed the rules in any point by just showing off. I'd take any advise or comment.


    The post is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Woodcarving/comments/htgboi/my_ancient_restored_montblanc_22_and_a_new/

    submitted by /u/dibutilftalat
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